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Testing Prep

SMARTLand K-16 curriculum is designed to include and to reinforce testing skills within the learning plan.  This allows the  student to perform well on any given test.  Additional resources and prep time are available for all major college tests:  GED, SAT, ACT, GMAT,GRE, & more are available.


 SMART Test Prep


College Savings

 Did you know that you can save money for college or help pay back that student loan by simply buying  items and doing the things you always do? 

College Planning Calendar

Scholarship Search

College Ahead Mobile App

Hear from the experts on college tips & more...




Finishing college with a degree in hand is a major goal accomplishment for any student.

We designed "C. H. A. T."  (Coach, Home, Assess, Touch), an open communication support system in order to foster family relationships and to provide resources for college related matters.  International parents find us helpful as personal learning facilitators for students while studying abroad.

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